Bakkerij Habets Kerkrade

Thor’s Hammer

Features of the drug

The Thor’s Hammer is a safe and highly effective tool that improves masculine health and potency. It was created by a unique recipe that takes into account all the characteristics of the male body.

Problems in the genital area occur with a deficiency in the body of zinc. Insufficient amount of this element leads to disturbances in hormonal regulation. The process of formation of the hormone of testosterone, which is responsible for male power, is especially bad.

Potency can weaken at any age. This happens for several reasons:

  • chronic diseases;
  • Improper diet
  • severe stress;
  • nervous system overload.

Problems in sex make a man insecure. They destroy his relationship with the opposite sex and sometimes even the family. The Thor’s hammer makes it possible to prevent the appearance of all these problems. In addition, it improves the general condition of the body. The drug is not addictive and consists only of natural components.

Benefits of using the tool

Thor’s hammer is very different from other similar means. It has many unique advantages:

  • Absolute security. It is achieved through the use of only natural components.
  • The drug is easy to dose and take.
  • High efficiency.
  • The result obtained as a result of the application of the tool lasts approximately six months.
  • Has no contraindications.
  • Does not lose its properties when used in conjunction with alcohol and medications.

Composition of Thor’s Hammer

The Thor’s hammer consists only of natural components. Together they form a unique tool:

  • extract from littorin – invertebrate organisms. This substance contains many vitamins and minerals. These are vitamins A, B4, E, K, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. All these substances contribute to more active formation of testosterone, lowering cholesterol, improving blood circulation, particularly in the genital area. Extract from littorones is a real storehouse of useful substances
  • moss extract. For its production a special type of lichen is used. It does not have as many vitamins as in the previous substance. However, despite this, lichen has a powerful effect on the male body. Usninovoj the acid containing only in a lichen, stops development of venereal illnesses, renders on an organism strengthening action, improves blood circulation process
  • extract from the liver of the sea line. This substance supplies the body with zinc. It is zinc responsible for the production of male hormones and sperm. Thanks to him, the prostate gland works smoothly. Zinc protects a man from prostatitis and infertility;
  • Extract from Antarctic krill. Thanks to vitamins, this substance increases sensitivity in the genital area and improves potency.
  • The action of the “Hammer of Thor”

    The preparation is available in the form of drops. Thanks to this, all useful substances enter the body as soon as possible. And then everything goes as prescribed by nature:

    • sexual attraction increases;
    • the erection becomes stronger
    • potency improves;
    • the sperm becomes better;
    • the motor activity of spermatozoa improves;
    • the sexual intercourse becomes longer;
    • sensations become worse;
    • the man becomes more stable emotionally;
    • Self-confidence and self-reliance appear
    • blood circulation in the pelvic area improves;
    • insomnia and depression disappear
    • metabolism is established.

    “Thor’s Hammer” affects the whole organism.

    How do I take the drug?

    You can use the “Thor’s Hammer” in several ways:

    • 5 days reception and 5 days rest. Repeat this 2 times.
    • 15 days of admission and 15 days of break. As in the previous case, repeat 2 times.
    • You can take 10 days with the same break in time.

    As soon as the desired results appear, it is necessary to take a break in using the drug. According to the instructions for use, they will last for 6 months.

    The dose for one dose varies from 3 to 5 drops. It depends on the initial state of the potency of a man. In order to calculate the exact dose of the drug and the regimen, you can contact the doctor.

    How effective is the drug?

    About 96% of men who participated in the drug test, noted improvement in potency and overall well-being. They said that they could again feel a strong erection and a full orgasm.

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